One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou Show Covers released

Today the covers of One・Two・Three/ The Matenrou Show were released! Here they are with my thoughts of them.
Limited a
I adore this cover, It looks fun, cute and colorful. I like how all the girls are posing exept for Mizuki. I wanted her to look happy and spontanious like the other girls. But she doesnt. She does look good. But o well. I love how Masaki is looking and Ayumi looks very cute too. I like this cover and I keep watching how everyone is smiling.
 Limited B
The 6th gen edition. It's a really cool cover. Sayumi looks sexy and Reina well, she is just Reina. I like the clothes they are wearing, but the cover isn't having the I don't know thing... Maybe it's the lighting.

 Limited C
I Like this one, but it's to serious for me. Riho is just standing there. Just STANDING. Kudo and Erina look amazing <3 I really like the text on this one and the flowers behind the girls
Limited D
The Qki's version. It's so cute<3 Light pink and they are drinking tea. It's a simple cover which makes me think of a S/mileage cover more than a Morning Musume cover, but It's very nice and I kinda wanna buy this one. 
 Limited E
O god, this is a beautiful and kinda sexy cover. They look like: I miss you, Come hold me, 'Don't you want this? Erina, Haruna and Ayumi look the best in my opinion, but Masaki, Sayumi and Haruka look amazing too.  I like the black contrast with the colors.
Limited F
These girls have only been in Morning Musume for 2 singles? You must be kidding me. They look like Pro's!!! 10th generation looks soooo amazing. This might well be my favorite solo gen cover. The setting is amazing and elegenat (which fits them) the Morning Musume cirkel thing is AMAZING it just fits soo well. <3 This is the best cover I have seen in a long time.
A great cover. I like how all the girls are smiling and how everone is in the picture. Ayumi on top ofcourse. The blue tiles make me think of a swimmingpool. Great cover!


  1. It's NyNy from H!O (HelloNyNy), I agree with your view. Limited A and C are gorgeous but I do not like the obvious front girls. But I love how colourful E is.

    D and F are just too adorable for words. :3 Haruna looks stunning.


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