What to do with my hair?

Tomorrow I need to go to the hairdresser. I hate going to the hairdresser.
For some reason, what ever hairstyle I choose, it always ends up horrrible.
Anyways I was searching for some idea's for my hair and thought why not share it.
At the moment of this:

How Risa had her hair in Shouganai Yume Oibito. I like how mature this hair style is, but also the shorter hair  framing her face. I'm having a fringe now, but I sometimes think it's childish, and this is a side fringe. 
Another option

Ai-chan's hair from Naichou Kamo. It does mean I have to cut my hair short. I love this hairstyle a lot, again very mature, but beautiful. I just don't dare cutting my hair short.
More options
Koha or Eri's hair. Koharu doesn't have a fringe and it looks like all her hair is at the same lenght. I quite like it. But I don't wanna curl my hair every morning.
Eri's hair is with a fringe and probably same lenght hair. Which is very beautiful and kinda what I know have. 

I think Gaki-san will win this and I will go to the hairdresser tomorrow. 


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