Morning Musume- Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke (MV)

Yesterday, after a big delay, the new Hello Station episode was uploaded on youtube!
A lot of fans have been waiting for this episode. It featured both MV´s for Morning Musume´s 54th single.
In this post I will be talking about Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke.
Let´s start with the song: I really really love it.
I like how it's diffrent from Ai no Gundan and how Sayumi got more lines.
I also liked that Eripon and Zukki got to sing in the second chorus. 
I'll now post my screenshots after the spoiler.

The opening title. Black and Red (like the colors of Ai no Gundan)
Wagamama Ki no Mama Ai no Joke- Sayumi
Morning Musume after Dark
Sayumi singing again
More dark Morning Musume
The stage and seats
I like how many diffrent angles there are.
Smoke, lights and Morning Musume
Lip service no sense at all, I mean What?
I like how Masaki looks here <3
Riho's curls <3
Ayuyu and Masaki Duo
Sakura <3 She is so adorable
Real me
Kudo smile <3
This seems to be a question mark, with Sakura being the dot (and Mizuki pointing her down)
Riho being incredibly beautiful and Masaki derping in the background.
Let's bitch slap Mizuki (Riho's face)
I like this shot.
Ayumi solo shot
Sakura <3
I liked how Sakura looked her.
Pink duo!
How can I ever stop taking screenshots of Haruna<3
Masaki looking super cute
Eripon looking classy
Zukki, just being amazing zukki
Harunan <3
See how can I stop?
THAT HAIR, this is pure hairporn
Ayumi in front
Kawaii <3
That Haruna smile (and Riho derping)
Sakura singing her solo line
No no 
A beautiful Haruka shot
Ayumi singing
Eripon: Do not judge me
Group of amazing 
Mizuki being Awsome and sexy
Now Mizuki is bitch slapping Riho (Riho looks hurt)
Sayumi having a solo line
EriponXSakura Duo
Eripon Sakura in black
Masaki is taking this Riho home (while Eripon is just loving the camera)
Jup, Me Masaki takes the RihoRiho home! (Eripon Whut?)
Leader/sub-leader team
Who wouldn't take her home?
Aisaretai, Aisaretai
And than Mizuki did the thing. 
Yes the thing<3
For some reason I LOVE THIS PART
I really like these groups.
Riho come back for a Masakissu
Eripon wants the MasaKissu.
Zukki stop being so amazing <3
Just look at that smile
Ayuyu <3
Blue Kudo
Sayu <3
More Kudo
Let's hugg <3
Eripon looking beautiful 
Riho's hari is perfect.
Masaki ending the song with a note... OMG
She belongs in center.
I like how they all look here XD 
Sakura is so pretty... 
Masaki Kawaii <3
Zukki <3 Ayu <3 Saku <3 Haru <3



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