Tsunku's big Morning Musume '14 announcement

So Tsunku announced that he will have an announcement regarding Morning Musume '14 on the 22nd of January. He said it will be a turning point for Morning Musume '14. It will be a big challenge for Momusu but also for him. He thinks it will be a huge gamble and he doesn't know if the fans will accept it. He is still worried about announcing it. But he thinks it will be the chance for Morning Musume '14 to become an even bigger star. 
We have no idea what Tsunku could be talking about. Whatever it is, he does sound positive about it (they might become an even bigger star because of this), so I think it might be a new audition or maybe a new generation. But it could also be a girl graduating or going solo. It might even be Sayumi leaving. Or maybe Ayumi will be joining Juice=Juice XD. But he doesn't really give away much. He did send a letter out to a lot of press, so I guess it really is important. We wil have to wait for a couple of days before the announcement, but I'm looking forwards to it and waiting impatiently! What did the big boss come up with this time? 


  1. Hmmmm only a couple of days. Let's hope it's something good and not a graduation or something. Maybe even them doing a World Tour!


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