Otsuka Aina returns as an Idol!

I can't believe I finally get to blog about this! I have been waiting for this return since the moment she left and here it is:
Otsuka Aina will return to the showbizz!
She has been in a show already, it was called: Shisui Deux Event. She preformed there solo. Another group, Girls Side (kari) were preforming too. Here are two pictures of the event:
Aina is in the bottem row right (with the red cap).
Along with her preformance, she opened up her own blog:
Here is a screenshot:
Ofcourse Aina also made here first blogpost on there, telling her fans she was helping a friend with the Shisui Deux Event (live radio recording) and wanted to preform. They told her she could and Aina refound her love for preforming on stage. When she talked about this with the friend, it was said that if she really really wanted to, they would help her! She also says her parents gave her permission this time, so no worries there.
I'm so happy! You won't believe it! Aina had been so special to me and when she went away I was devistated. But niw she is returning! I'll try my best to keep updated on her!


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