Kobushi Factory release the covers for their debut single!

Kobushi Factory will be debutting this september and they just released the cover for their debut single:
Dosukoi! Kenkyo ni Daitan / Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san no Uta / Nen ni wa Nen (Nen'iri Ver.)
The single has three a-sides which means 3 limited and 3 regular editions. Let's have a look:

Regular A
Regular A has the outfits for Dosukoi! I love how colorfull the cover is and I love the paint in the background and the paint bubble around the girls. I love how the outfits are in their own colors. 
It is quite obviouse who the centers are.. But I think Rei and Mina look fab. Ayapan looks extremely bored, Hama-chan looks like: I should be in front and the other girls try to look exited. 
Still love the cover and the colors though XD

Regular B
This cover is for Ramen Daisuki and dang is it boring. Rei and Hama look fab. Backgirls look like they wanna kill someone and Ayapan.. Guess posing is not her thing? The colors look horrible and I hate the red below. It looks terrible. 

Regular C
Ah much better, like the red and white! Girls look really serious, but I like it. Again it's clear who are centers and who are in the back, but I quite like this. Finally a picture in which Ayapan's expression fits. 

Limited A
Limited A is quite alright. Sakurako made in to the second row and Hama-chan got her front position. Taguchii looks fab eventhough she is in the back, Rio can't even be seen well... Minamina has a weird position, Rei looks fab and Ayapan.. looks again bored to death. 
I don't really like the background, it's rather boring..

Limited B
This is a nice cover! Love the colors. It's looks really happy and colorful. All girls are shining and look adorable. This is a good cover! I love Taguchi's Kobushi pose. I like the rainbow and the clouds. I don't know what is going on behind Rei and Ayapan, but okay. It's a nice cover.

Limited C
O my god, the pink. NOOOO not pink >3< This is a cool group, not a pink group. Urgh...  I do love the borders with little pieces of their colors, but urgh the pink.. Mina looks beautiful, Hama-chan is actually trying, but the other looks bored and unhappy. I know it's probably just something they needed to look (cool, serious), but they just look really bored...

I adore Regular A, Regular C and Limited B, but the others are really meh. The group hasn't been around that much, but it's clear Rei and Hamachan are batteling for center position with Minamina and Ayapan close behind. The other four girls seem to be being pushed in the back. 
This is ofcourse their first real single, so they might get more used to this later on, but for now I hope they will try to look like they care more, especially Ayapan. 


  1. I'm seeing a lot of reused ideas from other Hello Project singles <3


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