ANGERME releaves the covers for their upcoming album!

ANGERME will release their first best of album on the 25th of November. 
The album will have songs from their time as S/mileage as well as ANGERME. 
And now we have some covers to look at!

This is the cover of the regular album. It's really pretty and simple. I love the outfits and the girls look fab. I love that Ayaka and Kanon have a longer back on their dresses, which kinda sets them apart as 1st gen. I really love the dresses and how simple the cover is. And ofcourse we have some beautiful legs, which is their trademark. I have to be honest with you guys, It feels sooo good to see the name S/mileage again. 

Limited A
This is the cover of limited A, which will also have a dvd with Mv's and video's choosen by the girls. At first I didn't like this cover. I hated the background and the way their name and everything was at the bottem. But after a few times, I actually like it. I really love that they have the covers on the background (SAKI, YUUKA!). The girls look soooo good. Although Rikako looks mad and Maho annoyed. Not the best cover, but I love the idea. 

Limited B
Limited B will also have a bonus DVD with a recording of their spring tour! I really adore this cover. The white is so beautiful and I love the way they did their name. The girls do look better on the other covers, but I really like it. And Legs!

Regular is my favorite! I really love how the girls look on that one. I really adore adore adore the dresses. It makes me sad that after this album only one first gen member will be left. Anyway I can't wait for this album!


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