Morning Musume '16 reveal covers for their upcoming single!

Morning Musume '16 will be releasing their 62nd on the 23th of november.
Today they released the covers for the single 
"Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai"! 
The single will be released in 6 versions, with 2 versions (limited and regular) per a-side!
Let's have a look at these covers!

Limited A
This is obviously the Limited Cover for Sexy Cat! The girls are standing infront of the words Sexy Cat and the cover is mostley black and white. It's such a simple cover, yet it's nice. I really like the poses and the outfits look really good on the girls (although they doo look really shiny and sexy here). I like the cover, yet it might be a bit to simple for my tast. They are actually just photoshopped solo photo's of the girls. But because the girls look so wonderful, I like it. 

Limited B
Limited B is the cover for Mukidashi. I am no fan of these outfits, especially the outfits with the long pants. The cover is again only some solo shots putt togheter, with a lot of black and white, which makes it really boring. And what the hell happend to Maria, she looks super photoshopped.... Miki and Akane look really big, which is not the case. Not a big fan of this cover. (Kudo btw looks fab).

Limited C
Wow, Limited C is such a different cover! I like the blueish hue over the cover and the white outfits look really good in this cover. I like the blue banner on the lower part of the cover and the solo pictures are really nice. Haachin's face does look a bit strange due to the lighting, but I really think this cover is quite nice. My eyes are instantly drawn to Kudo and Eripon. They look beautiful and really mysterious. 

Regular A
Regular A is again a sexy cat cover and dang is it nice! I can't really find the words Sexy Cat in there eventhough they are present. It actually looks like our sexy cats are sitting on the words? This cover is nice, because it showcases the members and their beauty. It's such a simple way of promoting them. I love it. All girls look lovely, although Eripon stands out, because she is sorta standing a bit away from the others.

Regular B
Oh lord, all the pink. It's quite obviouse Pink is the main color for Mukidashi. I am not a big fan of this cover. The close-ups are pretty ugly. The girls all have something off (for me) in their pictures and some don't even look like themselfs. Come on management, you usually take about 1000 pictures of them, choose a nice one for a cover. This cover actually looks like my own skillz in a cheap photoshop program. As you can see I have no skillz. Nah this is not my favorite cover and wait did they re-use Akane's The Vision Picture (that's what it looks like). 

Regular C
Sou Janai has the last cover and I couldn't be more happy. A nice cover with a beautiful background. Ofcourse it's photoshopped behind the girls, but it looks nice and new. I really hope they will have their dance shot infront of this. For as far as I can see the girls, it's a really nice cover. I like the white outfis here and the amount of legs. I actually laughed really hard at Harunan's and Akane's awkward poses and Masaki's I Don't WANNA pose. It's a nice cover. 

I am really exited for this single. I love Mukidashi with all my heart and can not wait for it's MV. Sexy Cat is amazing and I like the covers. Sou Janai isn't really my taste. 
Yet the covers actually really suprised me. I don't like any of the mukidashi covers, but I love the sou janai covers. I guess Regular A and C are my favorites!!  I can not wait for the MV's and their sales.


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