News on Sato Masaki

Not to long ago it was announced that Morning Musume's Sato Masaki was suffering from back problems. She was diagnosed with Umbar Herniated Disc and would be resting for the time being.
Today we finally got some news concerning Masaki.
It seems that she has been suffering from back pains ever since June and has been going to the doctors eversince. In November she got an MRI scan and in December her condition got only worse. Staff had been trying to help out as much as they could (low shoes, helping with her outfits etc.).
For now Masaki will keep resting, which means she will miss the countdown live and the first 3 performances of the Hello!Pro winter tour. On the 4th of january there will be a new examination of her back and based on that staff will let us know if Masaki will be preforming from the 7th of January on or not. 
Staff also explained they will be taking better care of the members, so no-one has to go through this again. 
Let's all wish Masaki the best and hope she rests enough.


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