Kobushi Factory released new profile pictures!

Kobushi Factory also released new profile pictures!
These are the outfits for Shalala! Yareru Hazu sa.
The outfits are mainly a skirt or pants with black and white stripes with a glittery stars top and a white jacket. 

Fuji Rio
Our graduating subleader looks AMAZING. I love her hairstyle and the color and the jacket looks really pretty on her. I am so happy she looks this pretty in her possible last profile picture. 

Hirose Ayaka
Urgh I am so mad at management that they gave her an outfit that make Ayaka look big. Ayaka is such a beauty and yet they gave her these outfits. 

Nomura Minami
Minamina looks really pretty in her skirt and I love her hair like this. She could have looked a little bit happier, but overall this is quite a nice picture. This outfit looks good on her petite frame.

Ogawa Rena
Rena always looks amazing. Her pose might be a bit boring and her expression a bit stale, but she is so pretty and I love her hairstyle. 

Hamaura Ayano
Hama-chan has these pants on that look amazing on her. I do think this facial expression is really boring, but her hair at this lenght looks a-mazing!!

Taguchi Natsumi
Taguchi looks soooo tiny in this outfit <3! Adorable! I love these pants on her and her hair is super cute. I like how we can see the top so much. Doesn't she remind you of a younger Chinami?

Wada Sakurako
Urgh why WHY does this outfit look so bad on Sakurako?? And that pose. I love Sakurako so much, but Management is just not trying with her. The high waist looks terrible and her pony tail should be changed! Give the girl an exiting look that actually fits her figure

Inoue Rei
BIG fan of her hair like this. It's such a miracle some girls actually look good in these outfits. I mean look at this girl! I love the skirt on her, I adore the jacket and the top also looks nice. 

These outfits aren't the best outfits. The prints are a bit meh and some girls look really big in these outfits..,,


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