[11/27]Juice=Juice's second single announced!

Great news! Juice=Juice announced their second single!!
It will be a dubble a-side with the title: Watashi wa Rose Quartz/Hajimete no Keiken Chuu
The single will have 6 versions, with two regular editions and four limited editions. 
The single will release the 27th of November.

I can honestly say this is what I have been waiting for! Another single for Juice=Juice and it will be released so fast! A dubble a-side is another big plus and the titels sound so interesting. Watashi wa Rose Quartz sounds like a really cool song an maybe some what slower? In any case I kinda hope Yuka will have a big role in this, because her color is pink and stuff. I guess the title means something like: I'm Rose Quartz. Hajimete no Keiken Chuu sounds like a cover of Mano Erina's Hajimete no Keiken, which is a great song. I do hope it will be a new song, but you never know with Tsunku. The title means something like: Having my first experience? 
I really can't wait for anything on this single. Outfits, covers, a preview <3 I really can't wait. Please support Juice=Juice and buy their singles! When you can preorder a copy, I will post it on my blog <3 


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