Renai Hunter Music Video

Today it was finally released! The Renai Hunter Pv.
I totally Adored it! Soo let me tell you more abou the pv!

We have four diffrent "shots" in this pv.
The dance shot- White room

The close- up- Makes me think about the S/mileage Yume miru close-ups

The group-shot- Little groups of 3 girls in a darkish room

The magazine- shot- All girls had an Magazine shot
I really enjoyed watching this pv, because it's very cool looking. diffrent from PPU.]
The Main focus is Risa, because this is ofcourse her Graduation single.
I was really suprised abou this focus, because it was more than with Ai-chan's last single.
Ai-chan had the Star catching part, but Risa had the dance center, a lot of close- up time, mentioning on almost all the magazine covers and the beautiful end.
Some screenshots:
This must be one of my favorite shots. The Aika- Masaki moment. They look really alike when they smile. Cute >3<

Dance shot of Ayumi and Mizuki. I have to tell you: Ayumi stole my heart. She was so amazing. She was really proffesional and beautiful. So more shots of her to come.

Eripon. So fierce <3

Haruka is so cute in this pv. She has these big eyes I can't miss.
Told you so.

Sayumi and Kanon look a bit alike. 

Risa<3 she is everywhere in this pv and she has the right 2. With this pv I really really don't want her to go, but she has to stay center just a bit longer.

Ayumi and Risa, a combination you don't see that much :) BUT OMG

Another Risa center shot. Love the dance.

And Beautiful Ayumi.... Yes I adore her XD
Some Risa hair swoooop. I love this shot.
And last the most perfect part of the whole Clip:
Risa's Morning Musume Daisuki 

I love the pv, I love all the shots and the ending is perfect.
Most beautiful girl in this clip: Ayumi, Haruk and Risa
Girls who sounded the best: Risa and Riho
Best part of the song: Sayumi's line and Risa's last line
Best part of the PV: Risa ending and the Masaki- Aika part


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