Uchoten love- review

Title: Uchoten love/ uchouten love
Artist: S/mileage
Wada Ayaka
Maeda Yuuka
Fukada Kanon
Ogawa Saki
Year: 2011
Special: limited D

Uchoten love:
I love this song! Super happy and great vocals. I love the wowwow parts and the meaning of the lyrics: it's like a culture shock must be my favorite!

Jitensha jiriri:
I never heared this song before, but it is perfect! A soft touch and amazing vocals!!! Yuuka's bridge gave me a smile! A new favorite song?

Uchoten love instrumental:
The music of this song is really energetic! It fits s/mileage so well!!

I like the cover a lot! S/mileage in school uniforms! It's kinda sad to think of Saki and Yuuka looking at the cover. They will be wearing something like that everyday now. Hope they are happy! In the inside we find another picture of s/mileage in uniform but now it's a more friendlike pose!

Great cd! A good buy! And the last 4-nin single and saki's last single.
Photo of my Cd!! :)


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