Morning Musume '16 updated their profile pictures!

Morning Musume '16 will release their next single in May and they updated their profile pictures!
Above we have the outfits of the Vision, which are navy colored outfits. 
The solo profile picturea are, however, from Utakata Saterday Nigh!
Utakata Saterday Night is more disco like and the outfits are far more showgirl like. Let's have a look at their new profile pictures!

Fukumura Mizuki
Mizuki is wearing a pink outfit with red and blue feathers in her hair. This outfit really focusses on her boobs XD. But it makes her look so big in her full shot. Her close-up does look wonderful and she looks quite cheeky. 

Ikuta Erina
Eripon has the same colored dress as Mizuki. But her feathers are purple and yellow and gosh does she look fab. I love her longer piece in her skirt and the bands on her arms looks great. And that hair. I am so happy with Eripon's hair lately.

Suzuki Kanon
I am going to be honest with you guys, this outfit make Zukki look big. She looks really sassy and fab, but also big. I miss her bangs... Zukki has the same outfit as Mizuki but a blue version with red and orange feathers in her hair. I am quite sad they gave her an outfit like this for her last single and her main song, but alright she looks great. 

Iikubo Haruna
Harunan shows us how amazing this outfit can look. She has a yellow dress and pink with blue feathers. I like her outfit so much and her hair, omg! She looks so elegant and pretty, I love it.

Ishida Ayumi
Ayumin's outfit is almost identical to Harunans, although her feathers are pink and purple. She also looks really good in this outfit and I adore her hair. She looks really pretty and small.

Sato Masaki
Another yellow girl and does she look good! I love the v shape of the skirt, cause it makes sato looks really petit and thin. She looks really cute wither her red and light pink feathers. 

Kudo Haruka
Kudo's outfit is the same as Ikuta's but blue. I still like the longer part of the skirt and the pink and red feathers look good. This outfit does make Haruka look really young, but I quite like that!

Oda Sakura
Aha Odachan. Beautiful Odachan. Why do you have a whole bird on your head? Her hairpiece is SOOO big. The yellow and orange take over her whole head. I do like the outfit and how it makes her looks thin and beautiful, but that hairpiece...

Ogata Haruna
This dress just looks amazing on anyone doesn't it? I love it and Ogata looks soooo cute. Her pink and yellow hairpiece kind of clash with her dress, but it's fine. I do worry about her super thin arms and legs... Be healthy and save sweet Ogata.

Nonaka Miki
I secretly predict Nonaka to be the next "chubby" girl. She has been looking quite big in her outfits lately, while she is not. Her close-up looks so shopped, urgh and her big BIG hairpiece. She has a whole plant growing out of her head, it's beautiful, but big. 

Makino Maria
She this dress is just great. Makino looks really pretty and I love her hairstyle and she actually has a hairpiece that fits her dress. She did learn from Sayu with her poses!

Haga Akane
Usually Akane looks quite big in outfits like these, but she actually looks rather thin and small in this one. I love it. Her hairpiece is again on that clashes with the outfit, but she does look nice and I like her hairstyle for once.

I love the dresses, they look nice on all the girls that wear it. Some hairpieces are way to big, but eh it's quite nice these outfits. 


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