Greetings~Ikuta Erina~ Part 1

Right now I'm watching this: Greetings~Ikuta Erina~!!
What a beautiful girl she is. Just wondering if I'm going to watch an hour of her flirting with the camera.
She is a really talented girl and she isn't shy for the camera anymore.
I really enjoy watching this actually. Didn't know if I would. But she is really cute and I love her hairstyle :) She is adorable. The house they are filming in is really cute 2!!

Ahhh fangirling all over the flour. She is being interviewed right now. And I have no idea what she is talking about. She is pointing out some things she love if I'm right. Manga and Ichigo's... She even calls them strawberries. Oo, she was talking about the 5 best things and now about the 5 worst things. One of the other best things she mentioned was being an idol. Cool :) I don't know what else she is talking about though. She hates Banana? Haha cool thing to talk about. Fruits.But she likes choco-banana Cake. Now she is talking about Kanon-chan? Hando-spring. She loves PuriKura. I love purikura 2. Me and my friends did some at the Japan expo in Paris. It was expensive but a lot of fun.

She was talking about what people call her, I guess: eri-chan, eri, eripon, ikuta. And about her KY character. Riho calles her Eri-chan. Mizuki calls her Eripon. If I'm right. Now we get another part were fanboys will probably have big nose bleeds. Hihi :) She's wearing the second outfit.
The left one is the first outfit. A pink sweater which is really big, with a black top underneat it. She is also wearing a black skirt and some cute ballerina high heels. I like her hair like this in a ponytail. Cute Erina!!!
The right one is the second outfit. It's a pyama like outfit with a pastel Yellow and blue top and shorts. There is also a ribon on the top. Her hair is in a cute little messy updo that really fits eripon's messy, cute character.

She is talking again while showing some cute poses in front of an old window like thing. Okay she is pushing against a door that keeps wanting to close.. Hahah, but it seems like she is really enjoying herself, because she is smiling a lot. 30 minutes are over and I'm getting hungry. I'll post the next part later on.
Bye Bye


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