Takahashi Ai and 10th Gen

Time is going really fast. This friday is the graduation of Takahashi Ai.
The day before we will be hearing which girls won the 10th gen auditions.
I'm really exited and I hope the girls will be talented and cute.
It would be weird if they were to be older than kanon and rihoriho.
That means riho and kanon will be senpai's to older girls.
I will miss Ai-chan a lot and I hope their will be a lot of pictures from here with the 10th gen.
It would be amazing if the 10th gen got a chance to sing aswell.
I will really miss the morning musume, but I like it when Morning Musume changes. It makes the group so exiting and dynamic.

 What do I think will happen tonight/tomorrow?
I think Tsunku will suprise us. I think we will see Haruna(she already has been in a movie and tsunku likes girls who are already know), Sara because she is really talented and has this shining smile. I think ayumi will make a good chance to. Others are possible 2 but these are the ones I expect.
Why no Haruka?
Haruka is my favorite. But Karin was my favorite in the S/mileage auditions but she didn't make it either. I think they both deserve a place, and tsunku should see that.
What do you wanna see?
I wanna see a big group of winning girls. A big boost for Morning Musume. I wanna see Haruka and Karin, Sara and Ayumi and more. I would like this to be the biggest Generation. That would be really nice. ( I would love a LinLin add... ) I'm kinda scared that Tsunku will putt Mogi in or some other girl who isn't ready to debut. Maybe dayeon(that was her name right? Yang?) that would be kinda cool. But please I kinda begg you Tsunku Think about all the fans Haruka, Karin and Sara already have! You will be sorry if you let them go.


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